Aufbau Wordpress Plugins (Rev #3, changes)

Showing changes from revision #2 to #3: Added | Removed | Changed

Aufbau Wordpress Plugins

Lippe von Morgen Mittel


  • Für ein Vernetzungsplatform benutzt man die folgende Plugins
<!-- Created with SVG-edit -> import upload import one implementation upload another implementation one uses implementation another uses implementation uses depends on uses depends on depends on depends another on implementation uses exports an ESS Feed on an other website import an ESS Feed into the platform import an ICal Feed into the platform Layer 1 wp-libraries events-interface wp-events-interface Events Manager All in One Wrapper for one Wordpress Events Calendar kvm-interface wp-kvm-interface Upload events and initiative to the Karte von Morgen initiative wp-initiative Register initiative in Wordpress Karte von Morgen Events Calendar events-syndication-server wp-syndication-server Import Events from other websites Website Y Website X The Events Calendar wp-ess-event-calendar-client Export Events from other websites over ESS

Wordpress Plugin Downloads

  1. WP Libraries Mehr Info auf GitHub
  2. WP Events Interface Mehr Info auf GitHub
  3. WP Events Syndication Server Mehr Info auf GitHub
  4. WP KVM Interface Mehr Info auf GitHub
  5. WP Initiative Mehr Info auf GitHub
  6. WP ESS Event Calendar Client Mehr Info auf GitHub