Mobilizon (changes)

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Mobilizon integration with Wordpress and KVM for Ulm

In this Situation the Events are created and edited in Mobilizon and then they are transfered to the Organisations and Karte von Morgen.

In general, a central WP Instance gets the Events from Mobilizon and gives it further to the Organisations and the KVM.

If some Organisations have a Wordpress Website, they can get the events directly from Wordpress and save them on their Website.

All this functionality will be implemented and added to the WP-KVM-Syndication-Toolbox Plugin.

Mobilizon and following events from others.

I thought it was possible to follow single events, but in Mobilizon it is only possible to follow Events from a Group.

When we are using a Mobilizon Instance. Every Organisation becomes an Account on Mobilizon and creates one Group and add its Events to the Group. Then by Graph QL? we can get the Events from different Groups.

In general: One Wordpress Instance communicates with Mobilizon

  • One WP Instance transfers Events from Mobilizon to the KVM and the Organisations.
<!-- Created with SVG-edit -> 1 .. n 1 .. n 1 .. n Get ICAL for x Group Ids (tag=grp1,grp2) Layer 1 Mobilizon Profile Organisation Group Wordpress Instance An Organisation does an ICal Request the Wordpress converts it to a Mobilizon Request (Graph QL?) Add a Tag of the Mobilizon group and convert it back to an ICal Response directly Karte von Morgen Events are always created and modified in Mobilizon and then transfered to the website of the organisation and Karte von Morgen Event Get all events and and save in WP every day Add the tag of the Mobilizon group and save it in Wordpress and Karte von Morgen It is not saved in Wordpress

Organisations with Wordpress

  • Organisations thats has Wordpress Websites can directly communicate with Mobilizon (over Graph QL?) and get their Events from there.
  • Benefit: Graph QL? can transport HTML, so it will be better visible in Wordpress. ICal does not support HTML direclty, it can be used to decode and encode to it, but probably most ICal Importers and Exporters will not support that.
<!-- Created with SVG-edit -> 1 .. n 1 .. n 1 .. n Layer 1 Mobilizon Profile Group Organisation Wordpress CMS Get events for the groups interestet in and and save in Wordpress every day or when the users does an update Add the tag of the Mobilizon group and save it into the event in wordpress Events are always created and modified in Mobilizon and then directly transfered to the Wordpress website of the organisation by Graph QL? Event


  • For an ICal Event the format of the Event description is defined as normal Text. HTML and Markdown are not supported by standard. However you can put converted HTML in the ICal Feed, but not all Websites will read it well. It looks like it is not possible to transfer images in the Event description. Only one image as event image will be possible.

Expected Implementation time

  • The Mobilizon importer to Wordpress is nearly ready and must only be tested. tested: 5 Stunde
  • For building a ICal Export to the NOT Wordpress Organisation websites: 25 Hours.